This course is outdated! find another course

I find many courses , Mosh’s is the best. The money is not little to me , but I feel it is worth. i was attracted by the React on Youtube. I am learning Nodejs now . My English is not good enough. I feel hard to listen English, but Mosh’s explanation about principle , logic, whatever, are very clear. No one can compare him. I can understand the code I am writing . I do not feel tired about learning programming like following others.
Several a bit differences from different version I can search document or stackoverflow to be solved. I think that finding solution by myself is also a very important skill if I want to be an actual programmer.
Mosh needs to update the Nodejs, that’s right . Something big I cannot through it by searching. Now I am stuck by the connection between MongoDB and Mongo Compass. I am not sure if it is because my computer. I use Mac with M1 chip. I don’t find an absolute supported statement about M1 chip on MongoDB website. Can anyone make Mongo compass run properly? Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Hi, I solved my problem. Just because of my misunderstanding, finally I find everything is OK. Originally OK . If someone has a problem, just push it out here , we can discuss. I am learning Nodejs now. Absolutely newer for programming. Happy with you all.


Can someone help me, currently i’m learning Integration Testing, chapter 14- Unit Testing the Auth Middleware.

I follow the same code 100% that Mosh taught.

const {User} = require(’…/…/…/models/user’);

const auth = require(’…/…/…/middleware/auth’);

describe(‘auth middleware’, () => {

it('should populate req.user with the payload of a valid JWT', () => {

    const token = new User().generateAuthToken();

    const req = {

        header: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(token)


    const res = {};

    const next = jest.fn();

    auth(req, res, next);




Unfortunately when i run this code it’s error, but when Mosh run this code its running well.

listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::3000

  10 |
  11 | const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
> 12 | const server = app.listen(port, () =>`Listening on port ${port}...`));
     |                    ^
  13 |
  14 | module.exports = server;

  at Function.listen (node_modules/express/lib/application.js:618:24)
  at Object.<anonymous> (index.js:12:20)
  at Object.<anonymous> (tests/integration/auth.test.js:8:33)

Hey Ying, it’s good to know that there are people being active on the outdated course. I’m also new to programming and learning English on the side. I just finished the lesson: Building RESTful API’s Using Express. I think I’ll need your help sooner or later. Thanks in advance :wink: We could also form a study group if you are interested.

Back to the topic:
I totally agree that the content needs to be updated. Every time I cannot follow the course smoothly, I fell so stressful. It’s a very bad experience for someone who is paying. I agree we should learn how to trouble shoot on our own as it is one of the most important jobs for developers, but sometimes I’m not here to learn something deep, I just come to have a taste, and that moment is RUINED! That’s what matters because it’ll stop me from watching other tutorials if it’s not just released recently. And I believe that would happen on many beginners.
By the way I was planning to start this course earlier, but I saw this thread a few months ago. That is the reason stopped me from doing so.

However, even the course is outdated, there are still plenty of valuable lessons that convey concepts pretty well. I started learning Node.js recently by watching Node.js and Express.js - Full Course (which is up to date and great) from FreeCodeCamp on Youtube and took this course on the side. But now I decided to finish this course first, even though I might run into many troubles.

So thanks to Mosh for making great content. If he could make necessary updates, that would be even better! For people who are struggling, please don’t let it discourage from keep learning when the course content is outdated and hard to follow. I think that’s the most important thing.

Could you post your question in a new topic?

Hi, thank you for information. FreeCodeCamp is great . I watched their videos too. They make many courses helping a lot of people like poor me, even though I am often worried about how they pay for bills. I hope that there are some rich people supporting them. They are very good, but I cannot follow up some courses easily. I am absolutely newer so I need much details about deep logic, and at the point Mosh does well , no more no less . It needs a lot sympathy for beginners. Secondly I am struggling in my bad English skills, if a teacher has some special accent I am not familiar , it is much much harder for me to understand. Maybe I am here at least one year, while I often look at FreeCodeCamp. I feel I am like a rabbit looking for grass everywhere.

About helping you, honestly I think my programming skills just will be higher than my cat in one year. I was stuck by MongoDB, I gave it up and turn to React now . React looks very complex. Life is never easy , lucky for us. Anyway, nice to meet you .

Yeah, the whole course is a joke in my opinion so outdated nothing works and have brang this up many times and looks like the instructor just doesn’t care to polish it but, he sure loves the money rolling in from the purchases does he.

I’m afraid that if these lessons are up-to-date version, they maybe more expensive than now. I was stuck by MongoDB which is in Nodejs. I have complete 47% of that course. I have not much time to solve the stuck, so I gave up and change to learn React. I need React more than Nodejs. React goes well now.

I mean if your work does not run before the 47% of Nodejs lesson , maybe I can give you some suggestion. Helping each other maybe better.

I’m doing the same course and yeah, some modules are out of date, but it’s still working.
Your problem is node or something is already running on port 3000. You may have started “node index.js” then in another terminal, started “npm test”. That would be wrong and what I initially did as well.

Stop all existing node tests and instances, then only run the “npm test” command.

I just purchased the course only to find out that the content is outdated and lot of time is being spent on finding the latest alternatives.
Where can I apply for my refund? please help

Thank you

I did not take the node couse, but many of Mosh courses I took are outdated. I can understand that as paying customers everyone expects up to date content.

I don’t think that there will be an update anytime soon for most courses. So I just did my own research to complete. I can tell for instance about the entity framework course that deals with the stack of technology from the time I had a training. My training was 6 months long and EF was part of it but we learnt the bare minimum. Mosh course did provide me with the extra stuff to help me be confident I know enough of the technology.

That said I took the course when I switched to the more modern versions of those technologies (namely I need to use Entity Framework Core) the idea is basically the same so most of the course still apply but there are differences. I simply did the job myself and RTFM.
So my suggestion is take it as an exercise and do the job yourselves. And of course take notes of your research.

Just a sample of my notes

Best regards.

Ofcourse it’s outdated. But because it’s outdated I had to spend some time to find more recent alternatives to some solutions. And thanks to that I’ve learned quite a lot about Node. But the general principle how to work with Node still applies.