Dear Mosh, for god sake please update the course, I am just not getting the way to install mongodb and connect the same.
This is the course about installing and connecting on MAC
Dear Mosh, for god sake please update the course, I am just not getting the way to install mongodb and connect the same.
This is the course about installing and connecting on MAC
just watch youtube video how install it and go ahead its the same
If it was that simple, then why did bought a course from mosh
And i tried doing the same for installation and once i tried connecting to localhost it didn’t work and thats where i am stuck
i could help you contact me in this mail
[email protected]
For a paid course, one should get up to date lectures. These are from 2018 and a lot has changed since then.
Mosh clearly states that this course would remain up to date when he advertises on YouTube and this is clearly not the case.
true, he should at least post it on his youtube channel
I installed and uninstalled for almost ten times , because I think something wrong , but not . Everything is right.
I did it like this:
step1: install homebrew . Just copy the code from and paste to terminal, like Mosh said.
step2: install mongodb. Check the document, very easy.(
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community
step3: install mongodb compass. like Mosh said, download according to your OS, and next, next, OK.
All right.
const mongoose = require(‘mongoose’);
mongoose.connect(‘mongodb://’,{useUnifiedTopology:true, useNewUrlParser: true})
.then(() => console.log(‘Connected to MongoDB…’))
.catch(err=> console.error(‘Could not connect to MongoDB…’, err));
Use as above instead of Mosh code from movie. This will connect you.
u people dont have time to write correct code and bitch about mosh here. which college has $100 fee???
mosh is explaining everything so nice and related to real world.
do you want professors who fuck u up daily on assignments when u missed unecessary semicolon in javacsript!!
not telling you stan but these other people over here