Learn java for Data structures and algorithms?

I learned all the frontend and backend courses with mosh on the Javascript course and now I’m doing the DS&A course but mosh does it with java and i’m not familiar.

He said it’s okay to do with any language, but i’m finding some things a little difficult due to language differences so i found a youtube on DS&A also use chat gpt to double check each problem and supplement knowlege.

If i took his free 2hr Java course on youtube would I have enough of a grasp on java to complete the course with java or should I just stay focused?

My advice would be to just jump in and try it and see how you go. You dont know, what you dont know and afterwards, if the only thing you got out of it was finding out what it is you need to learn, then you came out knowing more than going in. Its great in the way it teaches you how to think like a programmer.

Personally, I found this a very challenging course. I did Mosh’s entire java series and only got through part 1 before putting it on hold, realising I wasn’t at the required level yet. That was sometime ago so hopefully now I might fare a bit better, but I found this to be the hardest course on Mosh’s site by far. But only by doing it I realised all the knowledge I lacked and it pointed me in the right direction of where I needed to focus my energy and now im a better programmer as a result.

DS&A is its own topic within its own right, so its likely going to take a long term approach. If you have attempted to do any leet code problems you would see just how darn difficult it is. But if you stick it out, all it takes is time, study and practice.

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I’ve decided this is going to be a course i take the long approach to, one challenge a day, give my brain plenty of time to sit and think about it. If java is very challenging and time consuming i probably don’t have time for the whole thing, but i could watch the youtube intro to get an idea. Javascript has been okay for DSA i’m definitely learning to think differently. I was able to finish my first leetcode challenge on my own after starting DSA, but couldn’t solve any on my own for a year until i started that course.

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