Starting with a black Document

I am brand new to coding and have just started “The Ultimate HTML5 & CSS3 Series: Part 1” course.
At the part on HTML Basics you speak about set up a boiler template and starting out with a black document. I must have missed something please explain how I do this, is there a shortcut that I use to open up a black document. Or did I mishear the work and it should be blank document. either way please tell me how I do this.
Thanks and regards

It is “blank document” Marc. If on Windows using Visual Studio hit ctl + i which will bring up a window with “HTML Sample”. Click and you have your blank document to start. I went through the entire HTML5 CSS3 Series last month and then did it again. The second time was much faster, easier and enjoyable as you clarify and pick up things that may have not been clear the first time through. Welcome and have fun on your journey.

Hi Mark
Thanks for assisting, as I said I have just started so this is all very new to me. Not having ever been exposed to this makes it all the more daunting but yet equally exciting too.
Thanks again for your help.

Hi Mark, Sorry to bother again but I have another question, I am busy with the 1st part of the HTML series. I am trying to figure out every time we do a new exercise are we starting with a new document or are we just using the first document again and again. I just feel like I am missing something and now that I am busy with the section on Hyperlinks nothing seems to work when viewing in the browser.

Marc, Make sure your Live Server extension is installed and running in Visual Studio, even then I found that I had to click on the box at the bottom of VS to refresh the screen. In the tutorial Mosh has you save each component script as you progress and then create a new blank document in VS for the next exercise. Not really important though as all the components for the final web page are there to download for the final project.
My final point is don’t feel pressured to “get it” right away, the nice thing about this tutorial is you can always go back and rewatch… I’m still having trouble learning Tables. I’ll just do that one again!