I realize this may be a little bit off topic, however I felt best to ask you Mosh, as I came across certain uncertainty with this programming language.
I recently became interested in SQL and watched your free youtube video on SQL Fundamentals, which I found very effective in the way you were teaching and explaining things. Both bringing that learning but also on-hands approach.
My interest lies within dealing/managing data and databases hence why SQL was started, however I went through a few articles stating that SQL Language and DBA’s is dwindling due to AI, and yet other articles that mention that SQL is on the rise due to so much more data that is appearing in the job market and growth, on top of that it’s the primary most largest type of language that is utilized by those managing huge forms of data.
So at this point, I am looking for a professional input on this.
Is SQL always in demand within the job market?
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SQL is not dwindling due to AI. Every programming language is impacted by AI, but it won’t result in job losses as much as it will require people who know the language and how to use AI to get more done quicker.
SQL is the basics of the DBA/Programmer. Knowing SQL alone is not enough. It is like knowing CSS and not HTML. You need multiple disciplines.
Larger companies are looking at BIGDATA products. That will include things like Amazon’s RedShift, MongoDB, and hordes of other technologies. AI will lead to even more data, not less data. So knowing how to work with massive databases with streamable data objects and vectors is the future.
Whether you are going the DBA route or the programmer route, you’ll need to pile on some other skills. SQL is more of a supportive skill in the job market. They don’t hire SQL Programmers, they hire some specialist who also knows SQL. Read about big data architectures from AWS or Azure and MongoDB. Then search some job boards for a variety of those keywords and you’ll see plenty of jobs. They just are not dedicated SQL coders.
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HI Jerry,
Thank you for taking the time to craft this response and for also providing quite a few great recommendations and direction on the skillset and knowledge that I can focus on.
What you pointed out here ’ AI Leading to more data ', that too had crossed my mind, and had realized i’m going to avoid Reddit from now on, as there was more negative rather than positive bias towards someone gearing to become a DBA (alongside studying SQL), hence why it lead me generating the question on the forum. Thankfully, your response helped!
I appreciated you expressing the importance of having that ’ Jack-Of-All-Trades ’ type of skill set, will keep this in mind. My personal interest is strictly pursuing a DBA Role, and with the 1 year subscription, i’m going to also take advantage of learning ’ Python ’ course to get a better idea on SQL Automation as well as dive into the BigData Products that you had advised ’ MongoDB, Amazon Redshift ’ and possibly many others along the line.
Thanks again for your post here, I have no doubt this has helped many others clear their skepticism in this rapidly technology advancing world.
Happy New Years!
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Every time a new technology comes out, tons of people start calling it a “killer” of what’s already in place. That rarely happens.
Email did not do away entirely with snail mail.
Text messages did not entirely do away with email.
Instant messaging did not entirely do away with text messages.
Even cell phones did not eliminate home phones.
Yes, these new technologies are disruptive and cause a shift. But the old stuff always seems to find a way to exist.
In the case of databases, more companies are moving toward cloud database solution. This enables them to do away with their data centers and in many cases it reduces their concerns for backups, security, etc. But even then those skills are necessary.
The key is to do what you do and embrace the new ways of doing it. There will always be massive databases out there. Every company is driven by data. Someone has to support all that data. If the tools evolve, and they will, that’s fine. We still need people who know how to do it.
As for coders, AI will make them better at their jobs. But without technical experts driving AI, how will AI know how to implement your business logic? Someone has to train the AI and maintain that. We are a long way away from computers literally running the company without the use of humans. Don’t let people scare you. Just make sure you are the one who knows how to embrace the new technologies. They you are set for future.
I keep advising my son to become a master of implementing AI within his area of specialization. Don’t let the new stuff run you over. Grab a surfboard and go with it.
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Hey there! So glad you enjoyed Mosh’s SQL video – he’s a great teacher! From my perspective, SQL remains pretty solid in the job market. Data is exploding, and SQL’s still a key player in managing it. AI might be around, but SQL skills are valuable. I’ve found SQL openings out there, so keep diving into it. Speaking of the job market, I want to start a side job to earn extra money for my wedding. What side hustles from home do you know of? Please share your recommendations!