Who else is using Visual Studio instead of Clion to write code for the C++ Course?
It would be useful to share info about perfect settings.
I’m trying to use VSCode. I have just been following the standard guide for running C++ code in VSCode:
Yes, VScode is powerful for everything: I’ve used it a lot for every other course by Mosh If I have a problem there is a great community on which I can count on the web!
But now I started to use Visual Studio 2017 for C++
(to come back to origin
I started programming a lot of time ago using Microsoft Visual C++ )
But I noticed that there is some difference in the compiler behavior respect what Mosh obtains using Clion.
I downloaded the same compiler as CLion ( MinGW) but I wasn’t able to set it in Visual studio.
For now I left the idea and I’m continuing coding not worrying about the differences no more
Perhaps Visual Studio has a setting where you can choose the same target version (I think Mosh used C++20). In theory, any compiler should work if it targets the same target version.
Yes! I’ve already tried it but nothing changed

It should be this setting in the Property page of the project:
choosing the selected one it should be the C++20 version.
Are there specific differences you are seeing in the output? Might make it easier to narrow in on the cause.
Did you try any of these?
Also you can use Glade and gcc/g++ if you’re brave enough.
Sublime Text is my best choice
I used CLion, XCode and Qt Creator. They are all good.
I am using Visual Studio Common 2022. I highly recommend anyone using older versions to switch to it.