Setting up C++ development in VSCode to build under both Windows and Linux


Is there a way to set up VSCode so you can write a program in C++ but then from vscode, build the project under either (both of) Windows and Linux?

I was able to get Linux and Windows both working for the STL using a VPS login to a Linux machine and using mingw from winlibs for Windows, but the moment I needed a 3rd party library (poppler) in my project, the Windows dev environment went to pack.

Linux works fine, just install whatever 3rd party C++ dev library you need via apt and it works.

Windows is killing me, but I’d like to have both working.

VS Code is just a code editor and it embeds features to have to setup the tools used to compile.

You have to know how to make the tools work on Windows first. Then pretty sure it will work on VS Code too.

Did you take a look to the doc on setting up VS Code for C++ ?
