What are React and React Native used for?

What are React and React Native used for?

React: a library to build user interfaces.

UI: this is where people interact with the software (so, UI is the visible part).
Think of a simple button as an UI element.
Using React, you can define how that button should behave initially, when hovered over, and when clicked.
You can apply similar concepts for other UI elements (a paragraph, form, comment section, social links, etc…)

React Native: Uses react library’s concepts to build UIs for smart phones.

This should give you some idea. Mosh explains these concepts very well.
Take his free tutorials on YouTube and if you like, you can buy the full course as well: Code with Mosh

React and React Native certifications are professional certifications that demonstrate a developer’s knowledge and skills in using these libraries to build user interfaces.

A React certification is a validation of a developer’s understanding of React and its ecosystem, including the ability to create and manage reusable UI components, use JSX, and manage the state and lifecycle of a React application. A React certification can be beneficial for developers who want to showcase their skills to potential employers or clients, or for those who want to demonstrate their proficiency in the library to advance in their current job.

Similarly, a React Native certification is a validation of a developer’s understanding of React Native and its ecosystem, including the ability to create and manage reusable UI components, use native components, and manage the state and lifecycle of a React Native application. A React Native certification can be beneficial for developers who want to showcase their skills in building mobile apps using React Native and can be useful for those who want to demonstrate their proficiency in the framework to advance in their current job.

It’s important to note that React and React Native certifications are not required to work with these libraries, but they can demonstrate a level of expertise and knowledge that can be beneficial in a job search or career advancement.