VsCode debug doesn't work

Hi, my name is Viktor. I wanted to take Mosh’s React-Native course but I got into a problem. When I try to debug the react-native app the React Native tool is not working or something it doesn’t autofill config and it’s not even showing when trying to create a launch.json and when I click “Show all automatic debug configuration” React Native is showing but when I click on it wants to select launch config but there’s no option. I tried reinstalling react-native, react-native tool plugin, reinstalling react-native globally. I don’t know I didn’t find the answer anywhere.
I will really appreciate your help.

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Hi Viktrix. Did you found the answer? I am having the same problem…

I reinstalled vscode with all folders associated with it.

Had the same issue and solve it, see my solution here: Debugging is a big deal? - #3 by lsantamariarojas