The Ultimate React Native Course and Backend File

Hey guys I am finally finish the course but not gonna lie, i am little bir disappointed.

The reason why, i was expecting that we are going to create the whole app in this course but i realised it was just a front end project. It was perfect but i want to learn how to code the backend and be a full-stack dev.

Did mosh publish a course about the backend file(of the ultimate RN course)? If he did not what is your recommendation about backend for react native? Waiting for your replies. :slight_smile:

Please check out these topics. The Ultimate React Native course is not done and its sad.

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Hi React Native is a front end framework, so it makes sense. The backend API you can make from your favourite programming language / framework, just need to set up the endpoints. Mosh has plenty of backend courses and shows you how to create APIs like django and node

thank you. i know but mosh showed us some features about the completed app. but we couldn’t see some of the features at the end of the course(google maps api, taps etc.). and ı just want to add this, $20 is not small amout of money where i am living, we cant afford those courses.

Makes sense. You can try the google maps below. If you scroll down and try the sample on you can see the JS and html code you need to get it working. Then if you get a google maps API key by signing up there, you can replace the key in the sample with your own and do more stuff like markers, zoom and addresses etc

google maps

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