Somebody help me please. Who uses a windows and was able to configure the Visual studio without the problems in the screenshot. I can't even see my input in terminal

Screenshot 2021-10-12 002213

You seem to have configured python3 as your Python interpreter. You should only do that on Linux and Mac. On Windows the executable is python.

That’s true, I configured python 3. Thank you very much.

I still dont get a solution to this. I uninstalled python3 and installed python 2.7 but realised 2.7 has been disconnected. Do you know the exact link where I could download the right python. Thanks

Of course you are supposed to use the latest version of Python and not a historic 2.x version. It’s just that the Python version 3 executable for windows is named python.exe while it’s python3 for Unix and Mac.

So deinstall Python 2.x, install Python 3.10 and don’t configure VSCode, Coderunner etc. to call python3 but leave the setting as is or restore the default python repectively.