Since starting the beginner part of this course on Youtube I’ve been experiencing slight output difference between mine and Mosh’s, but they’re becoming really time consuming now that I’m almost 30% into the course.
I’m stuck for a long while on some exercises for way longer than I should, and when I watch the solution, the output data is not the same.
Just a single row would show up for customers in Virginia in —>
I’m having the same problem. Once i got past the free parts only some of the tables are updated. Ive done the database restore but it seems like not every table was restored on Moss’s databases.
Its definitely the output of data. The exercise is supposed to bring up two different customers from state = “VA”. I decided to update customer_id = 1 to have state = “VA” as shown in the video in his output. However, the resulting order_id = 11 is missing as well. It seems like there were changes he made to the video/exercises but weren’t updated on the database provided.