Need help to study C#

Hello future coders,

i would like to ask you guys something because i have been trying to study the C# as my first programming language and i find it kinda hard for me to understand it or probably studying it i try to do everything he does in the video and keep on until i get results however i do not remember anything when i move on to the next lecture from what i have did if i see the code yeah looks familiar however me alone trying to come up with something i have already done big nooo i need someone help me how to study this thing

This is how I study:

  • While watching the video I keep a document open and write anything that is new to me, including code snippets.
  • I also have Visual Studio open to manually code what he is doing. I do not use any code he provides!
  • After the video I play around with the code. Change, build, debug.
  • I use to find answers to problems I cannot fix myself.
  • When I find something difficult. I think of a personal project and try to implement what I have learned in that project.

I hope this helps.

thanks alot it helps ofcourse because i am kinda lost… you know whole new world to me