MYSQL- Work bench not downloading on Mac

Having problems with MYSQL to download on Mac OS. I have attached a screenshot just in case. Any help or ideas to get this to work will be gladly appreciated. Thanks

Did you ever get this to work? I am at that point right now and haven’t troubleshooted out of it yet.

I wanted to share my solution in case it helps someone else.

At 0:49 in the video, I was following along and clicked the first option listed, just like the video.

As of today, September 12, 2021, the first download option on MySQL for macOS includes “ARM”, but in the video, Mosh downloads “x86”, which I did not notice initially.

Once I downloaded the option with “x86” everything has been issue-free.

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@doogygh did you solve it as i am facing the same issue

Thanks a lot, @woudsma. Your solution did solve my problem. I think the problem lies in the latest version 8.0.32. Go for 8.0.26 for both, community server and workbench. Cheers!