Issue with git merge to master

Hi Mosh,

I trying to know and fixing git merge to master branch. But NO luck for me. I end up with the issue of git merge to master. I just want to start or reset the git master from the current branch.
Is it possible?
How and which git command I can use it?
*** I’m not worries the git master from old once.
I just want the fresh one from the current branch.

If any know please help.
Thank much!!!

Could you be more specific about your problem ?

Maybe share any output from the console or tool you are using.

Now if you want to keep only one branche and make it the main branch, you may try a few messy things but that is not necessarily a good idea.

GIT allows you to make mistakes locally so it is fairly easy to revert should you make a mistake.

First do you have a remote repository ?
If so, did your changes before the mistake are available on the remote ?

Anyway do not push to remote yet.

Please provide a bit more info so that anyone could help.


Thank you I’m good now.