I wrote the same query still is not runing and trainer is going very fast

I wrote the same query still is not runing
and trainer is going very fast

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For the error I can’t tell anything wrong per se in the query.
The error message is incomplete so it is difficult to tell.

Could you maybe copy the full message here ?

Any typo in names ?

For too fast, just pause as much as you need or even go back.

I sometimes do that too.


this is additional screen shot
I cross check too many time still its given the same error

This is additional info.

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from what I can see in the 2 screenshots, it looks like you have not selected the database where the order items table is.

FROM sql_store.order_items oi
JOIN sql_inventory.products p
ON oi.product_id = p.product_id;

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THis is worked
I also did the spelling mistek
Thanks so much

No problem! Happy to help