I can't do Control Alt I to get localhost: 3000 to see a program run like Hello World

I can’t do Control Alt I to get localhost: 3000 to see a program run like Hello World. I am stuck can anyone help me please?


Confirm a few settings:

  1. You are in the correct directory – the same directory that you installed your files (should contain folders ./node_modules, ./public, and ./src
  2. In your shell tool that you are running “npm start”… and it didn’t crash – it needs to show the Starting scrip and an empty cursor. If you press CTRL-C or close that shell – React will stop.
  3. If none of those worked, check to make sure your firewall/anti-virus software isn’t blocking your localhost – Sometimes, running your shell tool in Admin Mode (if on Windows) helps get around this (Right-Click on the Tool, Select Run as Admin).
  4. Get a better shell tool. I use Cmder – but Windows Terminal or PowerShell works well too. Or use the Terminal Setting in VSCode under “Terminal”.

Hope that helps!


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