Difference between "class" ad an "ID"

I need some help understanding the difference between a “class” and an “id” I know what class is.

What is the difference between the two, you can style them both. Can someone help me underatand this please?

Tthank you!

Good to see your learning,

Both are ways to select a element and apply styles however there is some minute differences which mosh will discuss in detail.

Once an ID is named it can only work on one element and the name can’t be used again, nor can you give an element multiple ID’s. An ID style will override class styles.

You can repeat classes for example i can create a class = button and put that class on every button on my app and it would apply to each button and make them look the same. I can also give multiple classes like class = button blue-button

button makes it look a certain way, and blue applies the color. i can have red-button ect .

try to use classes more than Id’s for style cause they create less code when you don’t have to repeat things. Id’s are for when you need a distinct style or to override a style, also easier for applying functions in JavaScript later.

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Both are used to apply styles, but the key difference is that an ID is unique and should only be applied once per page. It’s meant to identify a specific element (like a header or a button) and is often used when you need to link to or target that exact element with JavaScript. A class, on the other hand, can be reused multiple times across your page for styling similar elements.

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On a side note, I recently came across this tool called Identity Verification API https://www.idanalyzer.com , which might help if you’re working on projects involving user authentication or secure forms. It’s definitely a handy resource.

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There are very good answers above but i just want to add you should avoid IDs to style elements since IDs have a very high specificity value of 100 which can only be overwritten by other IDs or ID combinations. Try to stick to html tags (specificity value 1) or classes (specificity value 10) to avoid spaghetti CSS rules.

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