Good afternoon everyone, super excited to be taking this course! it’s great to meett all of you! I’m a bit new to HTML and CSS. I have my first question while taking first part of the HTML course.
In the course mosh talks about adding multiple CSS declerations, in this case I have the image as one, and the text as another. I noticed mosh put both declerations in the same style tab. This threw me off as they are two different declerations.
When you are styling elements using CSS, does all your CSS go into that styke sheet, or shiould you have seperate style sheets for each decleartion you make?
Appreciate any all feedback here, I am EAGER to learn! See code below for the the two elements.
The course explains how any rule takes precedence over the other.
Until now I thought that it works like this.
The closer to the tag, the most precedence (this is OK).
CSS files are read in sequence and the last declaration overwrites the previous. (this one I have a small doubt. I have a feeling this is not what was explained in the course but I may be wrong and it is actually OK). I just did a quick search and it seems OK.
Tried for myself to confirm:
For the rest it is up to you.
That said I believe in separating style-sheets into smaller chunks for better maintainability.
When I used to do Angular I actually had one stylesheet per section and one for variables using the @import into CSS.
Try to think of the elements you are trying to style as clusters. There can be seperate files for basic layout, grids, typography etc. I think that is what UniqueNospaceShort means.
No worries, you’ll get the hang of it, if you do a couple of excercises.
HTML file is parsed top to bottom. Any styling you apply in the html file (inline styling or style tag in header method) that comes after the link to the css file will have the highest specificity and will override the css file. This makes sense because it is applied after the css file was parsed.
When it comes to specificity when all rules are contained in an external stylesheet then a lot of factors come into play to determine what is the most specific rule. If two rules share the same level of specificity then the last one parsed will be applied.
I agree with keeping separate stylesheets for larger projects. I personally stick to layout, colors, and typography.
It’s extremely helpful if you explain to us where excatly you need help Add your code here, wiuth the question.
Also, I tell everyone this, you are learning an entire language, this is not an overnight process. You are not “stuck” If you beleive you are stuck, you will be stuck.
You are just not understanding something, we all started somewhere. How can we help?
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Make sure your markup is correct.
The best practice for mail adresses is to use the mailto: syntax within the href element and not display the entire address in text to avoid spam.