Couldn't import Django

I need help with the error below, thanks

Are you using windows? try python runserver… that is python without the number 3

I received a : zsh: command not found: python - what might you think the fix is?

hi, zsh is the mac terminal so that command wont work, its only for windows. You must use:

python3 runserver

Hi thank you for your help. I used you suggestion and received:
ImportError: Couldn’t import Django. Are you sure it’s installed and available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you forget to activate a virtual environment

what am I missing here?

The solution - use AI to problem solve

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great to hear you solved issue, if you want to post solution it would be great for others who may have same issue in the future but I suspect it was because you didn’t activate your virtual environment

Thank you. Sadly, I no longer remember my errors. I used one of the AI tools to problem solve keywords where there were blockers.