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I am not disappointed with the course, I think is a fantastic course, but unfortunately, I cannot download or install angular 4 anymore on windows 10, therefore it is very difficult to code without knowing how to convert to the latest angular, so many errors and things that do not work and expending so many hours and not able to advance from one topic to another.
I will find a course that is more updated, or you could update yours to the latest version and it will help everyone.

I think you need to email in order to cancel. If you were interested, there are posts in the forum with updated code from later versions of Angular (and related libraries).

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Thank you so much for your respond, but “If you were interested, there are posts in the forum with updated code from later versions of Angular (and related libraries).” does not help, if you point to me or anyone else to the right place were to look and not just saying look at the forum, the forum has so many answers and I can stay hours trying to find the right one, so this will not help. As I mention before, the course should be updated to go smoothly and get the people engage. This is not the case for the course (at least for the angular one).

That post has code updated for Angular 13.

Also, I am not saying that you are wrong: the course is dated and you have to work to update the code to current versions of Angular. For an experienced developer this is acceptable. I was just trying to be helpful in case you wanted to make the most of the material Mosh has. All courses become dated over time, so this problem is not unique to CodeWithMosh. Best of luck to you.