Calling interested Full Stack Devs who learn to make a team

Hey everybody, let me know if any of you is interested to join a team whose aim is to grow up together in the TechWorld, share experiences along the path to dreamed jobs.
Personally, I’m little bit struggling to learn and grow up individually, and no more willing to waste time.

I’m referring to Full stack developers (precisely HTML,CSS JS and Python, Django) we can further improve the settlement of languages.

I’d like to make a small team of 4-5 people who are learning new skills and those in the elementary or pre-intermediate level, to make this journey more interesting and involving, sharing knowledge and building new projects together and make a long lasting friendship.

Please let me know those interested ones, so we can start our journey together!!


Not sure.
I have enough coding on each week to add duties in the week-end.
I also want to choose if I learn and what I learn on week-ends.

Everyone has own daily schedule, in my case I’ve currently another job that I want to change and dive into the development world, so I don’t have that much time during the days to practice so I have to make them in late nights after tiring job

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Sure thing.
It is very much to your credit.
This will bring you somewhere.

Just on my side it is a dayjob and I want to enjoy a bit of sunlight and fresh air when I’m off.
I am a junior dev and still a lot to learn.
I saw thing that goes way beyond what is taught in many courses and I could improve on.
I simply decide what and when and how long.

I wish you good luck.

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Yes, I hope one day to arrive at the desired place…and one important thing that every finish line is the beginning of a new way.

Thanks, the same to you!!

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If it can help you a bit it took me about 2 years before getting my dev position.

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Perfect… Glad to hear that.
Now you’re a junior dev right?
2 years of journey to Full stack or other position?

2 Years of taking courses and keep pushing.
I was barely about quitting because I thought I’ll never make it.
HR and others seem so demanding.
Until eventually I got actually 2 nice relations in particular.
One of them told me they would hire me if I take a Java Full Stack certification (not Oracle one but from a recognized training center). I passed it.
Now I am working for them but rather as a .NET developer.
I just told them how much I prefer C#.

Wish you all the best.
It may look dark out there when you are trying to find a position but eventually light will shine bright.

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Appreciate it!!
After those efforts made now you’re on a place that you deserve!!
I wish you best of luck for further your journey and get higher and more demanding dev !

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Hi, if you are interested you can join this discord server to further discuss our work maybe building some awesome projects or anything really. Community Of Developers

I’m a full stack developer too in Django and React, I learned all these topics from Mosh and currently I’m practicing to improve my skills more and more…
I’m interested with this idea, I would like to join you.


I’ve created a group on Discord, so who wishes to join, you’re more than welcome

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I am intrested to join the team,
I had been learing Full stack MERN from couple of months.
please update the discord invite link.

I may be interested as well, I’m 1 year into my journey as a JS dev and have completed 9 of moshes courses from the front end path (not next js yet or the new unit testing courses) but am currently 1/3 done with node. I built a tentative portfolio and have been thinking of starting as freelance while finishing courses and looking for a job in web development.