Alternative setup for Sending Emails on Ultimate Django part 3

Hi there,

I’ve got a macbook with Apple Silicon and I always encounter problems with third party app or packages that Mosh use. In this case the smtp4dev smtp server that Mosh use in the course is not available for my architecture (arm64). So if you got the same problem or if you don’t want to use a behemoth like Docker for this tiny use i will post here the alternative solution I’ve found:

just go to and follow the instruction for downloading the latest version. There’s a config.json if you want to change the ports but basically you only need to run it from the terminal (navigate in the directory you just downloaded and unzipped and type ./mailslurper) and you’ve got an SMTP server running and accessible from django.

That’s it, hoping to help someone stuck like me… cheers and happy coding


Thanks for this, it really helped