If I have a pc and a connection can I turn that into a server then host my website?
If yes
Is it efficient?
If I have a pc and a connection can I turn that into a server then host my website?
If yes
Is it efficient?
You can. You just have to register your computer as a public domain with a DNS provider to be able to access it outside of your own local network. That is how browsers turn some string name (like “google.com”) into the location of some computer or data center on the internet. It costs a small amount of money to own the domain (usually paid annually).
Using your local computer is bad for lots of reasons but I do not really know of something that would stop you (aside from maybe your ISP preventing it somehow by hiding your address from the DNS provider).
Some reasons why this is a bad idea:
Anyway good luck to you.
You’ve made some good points about the challenges of using a local computer as a public server. Registering your computer with a DNS provider can make it accessible from outside your local network, but it comes with significant risks. As you mentioned, using your personal computer means dealing with issues like limited availability, resource competition, potential security threats, and lack of redundancy.
If someone files a DMCA takedown request, these hosts don’t get involved, which can be a plus if you’re worried about copyright issues. If you’re looking into web hosting and considering different options, DMCA ignored hosting could be worth checking out. Knowing you won’t get sudden surprises is like having more peace of mind. Of course, weighing the pros and cons of any hosting service is always good. Some folks prefer the extra protection of more traditional hosts, while others appreciate the leniency. It depends on what you’re looking for regarding security and content freedom.