Studying Tips - Comprehension Issue

Hello everyone,

Hope you all have a good day. I am at a beginner level (never learned C++, Java) and currently taking the Complete Python Mastery course. Starting from module 5.8 (Lambda functions), I have difficulty memorizing/understanding the concepts behind it. I am concerned that if I don’t understand the concept on a prior module, it will cause comprehension error going forward.

Just wondering if you would recommend me to learn Java or C++ first before reattempting this course, or if I should skim the modules and understand what I could do with each module, do the exercise, and going back-and-forth between each module if I don’t remember how to do something?

Thanks and hope to hear from you guys soon!


@ChrisMaringka Python is a good place to start. C++ is not a good place to start. My experience is that one does not master a language through doing only course work (both spoken languages and programming languages). You will only be able to become fluent if you use it. So find some personal projects and start coding.

I would also suggest you tackle the Mastery course from the start, even if the concepts are familiar. It helps put things in context later on in the course. I never skip bits, I am too worried I missed important stuff in previous lessons!

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hi Chris. Stick to python and repeat the parts you dont understand. Lambda and comprehension do require some work to get it. Look for other resources online - plenty of examples out there for these. The more you cover, the more you try things for yourself, you will get it. Dont jump to Java nor c++ yet. c++ has lambda functions but not comprehension. List comprehension is a brilliant feature of python, like a turbo initializer for lists, dictionaries and sets. Google examples. try them. You will get there. All the best!

Hi @Paul and @kavfam,

Thanks for the advice and the encouragement! I will study more on Python and follow your tips. Thanks and have a great day! :slight_smile:
