Python Pylint Extention

Hay…can Someone help me please
pylint isn’t working
i have installed python Extention but
I haven’ received the message that showed in the course which says pylint isn’t installed and then:
i have searched for solutions and i tried installing it using pip install pylint and i went to palete(Ctrl+shift+p) and Searched for select linter and choosed pylint and i also did python: Run Linting and i make sure that i chosed the python eviroment correctly as it said in the cource
and i checked if python is installed using the pip show and it showed that it is installed
but the problem is still there…like :
when i type print “Hello World” there is no red line under print but there is red line under “Hello World” and when i hover my mouse over it. it shows (statements must be separated by newline or semicolons {pylance} )…and that is not the error i need which is this ().

My python Version is 3.8.10 on windows 7 ‘64 bit.’

I Wish Someone Can Help

Just fixed this myself. Hope it works for you. You need to specify language server as Microsoft.

So go to:

  1. File>Preferences>Settings.
  2. Make sure User is selected in the settings.json file that is opened.
  3. In Search box above, search for Python.languageserver.
  4. Select Microsoft in drop down.

This got it working for me. I think someone else posted this on here but I found the solution on GitHub as well. Hope it works for you.

Thanks For Replaying…
I did what you said
it seems to be half working I tested it in the print without () error
it worked only one time and it took time to show and it didn’t work for the rest
and when i type 2 + without completing it doesn’t show the error in the course and the red line still not under print it is “what i write” and 2 + the red line is after the +…and iam making sure that I save.
I Hope you can help me.

It seems to have stopped working for me as well. Worked for a while. Hmmm…not sure what the problem is. Maybe someone else will reply. I have tried installing it on two different PCs and on one Mac. Not working on any of them.

I wonder if anyone has it working at this point?

Yeah…I Wish Someone can help reply

What was your doubt , i couldn’t understand?

Many thanks for replying…
pylint isn’t working although it is installed and i tried alot of solutions i went to palete(Ctrl+shift+p) and Searched for select linter and choosed pylint and i also did python: Run Linting and i make sure that i chosed the python environment correctly as it said in the course
and i checked if python is installed using the pip show and it showed that it is installed…also someone told me to specify language server as Microsoft by these steps :

  1. File>Preferences>Settings.
  2. Make sure User is selected in the settings.json file that is opened.
  3. In Search box above, search for Python.languageserver.
  4. Select Microsoft in drop down
    but the problem is still there…
    in my problem the red line doesn’t show under print error…i will show you in a picture :

this is what I get…
I Hope you can help me.

Red line isn’t under the print.
Same here…

1 Like

Do you have any solutions to make pylint work?

Have you use alt+F8 command to know error and correct it by yourself.
I am saying Pylint is working …

thanks for replaying…
I understand what you are saying but pylint checks for error and gives you the solution
and in the video at the Course the red line was under print and when he hovered his mouse over showed syntax error [pylint] do u mean print(“Hello World”)…and iam not getting these messages…that is my problem

Have you use Alt+F8 command to check solution for the errors , like this :point_down:

Can you see the arrow right side (like this ^ and v ) click on it you will get the solution …

this isn’t the solution i get
this is what i get :

Have use the arrow option to navigate up and down to view solution to your errors…

this arrow move me to the next or previous error only.

Didn`t it show solution to your errors?

No it didn’t show solutions

So it appears it is working for you. Do you mind me ask you what your running? OS and version, VSCODE version, Python interpreter version, Python Extension version? So far, I have not been able to get the linting to work on 3 different PCs. One of them a Mac. According to what I have been reading, it is suppose to work with just the defaults. Does not work. I have edited the settings using the command palette Ctrl + Shift + p, and directly editing the json file with no success in getting pylint/linting to work. Pretty much get the same output as Ammar.

I have noticed something.
when i run the code and it gives me the error in the code runner or terminal then i get the pylint error work…and i suppose to see the error before i run the code…that is the pylint job
and i made sure that pylint is on save.

I suppose I should start the course. I have been spending all my time trying to troubleshoot this linting issue. Would be nice if I could get it to work.