Problem with installing react packages

Hye. I have a problem with installing the react app using the same version that was stated in the video. Can anyone help me? I am a newbie here. When I type the same command as in the video, but it was stated global installs of create-react-app are no longer supported. How can I solve this ya?

Hi… Cuba create satu file kat D: lepas tu pergi kat cmd masuk kat dlm file tu lepas tu install npm create-app.
Nodejs dah install sebelum tu?

nodejS dah install awak. Jap ye saya try… Thank you tau

saya check folder react app memang dah ada tau … macam mana ye?

Ok cuba tgk. Jangan install semua dalam C:. Buat dalam D:. Tp sebelum tu create satu folder baru contoh “react exercise” atau apa2 nama.

tapi laptop saya memang ada C je… takde D. Kita boleh pm tepi ke eh? ke memang bincang dekat forum ni je