Math is important to web developer?

Math is important to web developer?

can you improve your math on a bad level in programming?

What’s your gut feeling on this? Have any of you wrangled together a junior dev team for a Javascript project?

I gotta say, in this wild west of web development, finding the right gunslinger can be a challenge. While hire dedicated javascript developers sounds like wrangling a coding maverick for your own six-shooter project, it might not always be the best fit.

Think of it like this: a trusty posse of junior devs, hungry and eager to learn, could bring fresh perspectives and tackle different aspects with gusto. On the other hand, a seasoned hired gun might blaze through the core functionality with lightning speed, but might cost a premium.

The answer might lie in the complexity of your project. For a smaller side project, a well-coordinated group effort from a junior team could be a bullseye. But for a high-stakes rodeo with a tight deadline, a dedicated developer might just be your white whale.