Changing settings in Visual Studio to Python 3

The navigation seems to have changed in the Jan 23 VSC release. The explanation in video 9 - Running Python Code, no longer works. Any suggestions?

I have the same issue with Video9

Using a Mac and Iā€™m trying to change ā€˜Default User Settingsā€™ code-runner.executorMap from -u to python3; however following Code > Settings, there are no 3 dots next to the ā€˜User Settingsā€™ and ā€˜Default Settingsā€™ tab, as per video, so I canā€™t figure out how to change this.

Come on Mosh! Is there any customer support? Happy to throw money at you to teach me Python, but there needs to be support when thereā€™s a problem

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Thank you Sam, this worked for me

Thanks, this solution worked great.