Can we have extensive learning videos on Authentication and real-life projects

I have gone through basics of Nextjs and React videos and it helped me to get started with my first project and I did very well, thanks to super easy videos from Mosh.

I was able to create a full website that has categories, subcategories and then details pages and then modules where users can practice typing for evaluation, then I had to go through a lot of unorganized videos on the internet to learn Authentication, roles and sessions and so on.

Since there are new powerful tools available for authentication like Supabase Auth, Clerk etc, I am expecting Mosh to create some videos that goes detail in the concept of Authentication, Database Structures for complex website, admin panels, cronjobs, Webhooks, Payment Management, Subscription management, handling complex components and site wide states and so on.

These will help students to help learn each concepts in details and will save hundreds of hours, as I can confirm from my experience.

Thanks once again and wish to see some positive response :slight_smile:

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