Authentication & Auth - 17-Auth

I’m getting an error 400 when I try to delete a Movie or Edit, despite that I’m logged in and admin as per the JWT decoded token, showing isAdmin = true, I even logged it on the console to avoid doubt.
17- Auth - [2.22] showing that error in the backend “Invalid Token” which means it failed to decode the token.
“requiresAuth”: true (in default.json)
Update: I tried to change it to false and didn’t get an invalid token, hence, it’s an issue with enabling the authentication using isAdmin = true
Resolved! not sure why setJwt(getJwt()) was not functional in authService, I changed this line to http.setJwt(localStorage.getItem(tokenKey));

Hi Mina,

I am learning the course as well and getting stuck at the sections as Calling Backend Services and Authentication&Authorization. At the folder- vidly-api-noe: I could not start connection to services as required install corrected libraries. If you don’t mind please support me.

Thanks for your time.
