Any issues with the course with new create-react-app?

I noticed the course uses an outdated version of [email protected]

Has anyone had any issues following course with new create-react-app?

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Yes, I just tried to do npm start
And I had the
npm ERR! missing script: start

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The problem is, I think, for me, that the react-app folder is barely empty : only
folder node_modules and two json files.


This tutorial helped me : Create First React App Using Node Package Manager ( Npm ) - React For Beginners [18] - YouTube


I experienced the same issue at the beginning of the course and uninstalled that deprecated version and downloaded the latest create-react-app and have till now no problem following the videos and running codes taught in video !


You should use ‘npx create-react-app my-app-name’ to create a react app now instead of the old version. Doing this, I think I ran into one issue in the beginning where App.js was a functional component but Mosh had a class. I just changed my App.js to look like Mosh’s and there was no issue at all. In the Advanced Topics section at the end of the course, Mosh explains the new create-react-app and the differences.