Hi guys, just wanted to let whoever is interested know that I have managed to successfully build the front end and backend for the vidly app in 21/07/2021. So it is doable…
I’m currently trying to connect my mongoDb on Heroku. I set the vidly_db environment variable and all but I'm getting an error 503 on
herokuapp.com/api/genres`.Can you share how did you successfully connected the db? I’m on Section 9 currently on Deployment
Are you doing the react or the node course (chapter 9 of which course?)
Make sure your back end and front work in localhost and that they can communicate to each other ( I had to deal with a CORS issue). When both are set up in local hosts and they are verified to communicate, build the production environment according to mosh , push to git, then push to heroku . Make sure you put the right configuration variables in Heroku. To help you more I will need to see your code. Send me a link when you upload your code in git.
I on the React course. I got it working through another thread. I can now go view the dbs.
I needed to update the mongoose and some minor modifications on the startup>db.js.
Testing it using serve its working as intended but when I deploy the app on heroku, I see that the API is still using the localhost. Here is the git repo: https://github.com/the-black-viper/vidly
and here is the heroku app (Kindly ignore the UI Design I’m experimenting on material-ui and not using bootstrap) https://snapping-bird.herokuapp.com/
I fixed my problem! Turns out there is a different way to deploy a React APP made using CRA and a custom React. Following closely on Section 10 and 11 + minor fixes to the vidly-node-api made it work! https://arcane-sierra-84607.herokuapp.com/