Videos starting and stopping?

Hi, all.

I have got the complete subscription bundle, have for a while.

All my videos seem to play a little, then stop. Then I have to skip the part it got stuck on or it will not continue to play, even after a refresh.

Getting a little tedious considering how much I am paying for it.

Any ideas?

Is it a network issue? You can adjust the quality of the video with the little ā€œgearā€ in the video player. Iā€™ve noticed lately that because itā€™s set to Auto, it tries to stream at 1080P for me and I often get stutters or pauses when itā€™s buffering. Iā€™ve found that the quality looks just fine if I bump it down to 720P. Unfortunately, the video player often reverts back to Auto/1080P and I have to ā€œremind itā€ that 720P works better for me.

The video player is called ā€œWistiaā€ and itā€™s a pretty standard video player thatā€™s used by a number of companies.

Hey, man.

I average 100Mbps so, pretty sure it isnā€™t a network issue.

I have turned it down to 720p just incase itā€™s a throttle from teachables side.

Seems to be something to do with them, not me.


Hi @zackhamin,
Have you tried testing the site on a different device, such as your phone?

The only time I had that issue is when my AirPods Pro would pause the video because one wasnā€™t properly fitting in my ear. Each time it would begin to fall out the video would pause. Once I switched the tip to fit my ear the issues stopped.

A few things to try to check:

  • Reboot your computer
  • Make sure you have enough (at least 20GB) disk storage.
  • Try a different browser
  • Clear your web browser cache

Once you find out a solution, please share it on this forum post. :slight_smile:



Iā€™m having a similar issue, but only on my new computer. Videos work fine on my older MacBook Air. On my new MacBook Air, the videos frequently freeze. Iā€™ve just been downloading each video and playing them that way. Not awesome, but workable for now I suppose.

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Hi, Chris.

I ā€˜thinkā€™ it maybe Airpod related.

The videos seem fine when not using earphones.

When I use my Airpods, the issues arise.

A little odd as Youtube, Spotify etc all work fine.

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