Unable to install dependencies for vidly-api-node in React

Hi, when I am trying to install dapendencies for vidly-api-node project after cloning from github. Getting error.

What should be done now?

I’m getting the same error. Updating bcrypt seemed to help.

npm install bcrypt@latest

Hi , I used docker with node version from about the course time (8.14.1)
Here is the docker command :
docker run -it --rm -p --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -v ${PWD}:/app/vidly-api node:8.14.1 /bin/bash
make sure to change the config/defaults.json (localhost → host.docker.internal)

  • run it from the vidly-api-node directory
  • when inside the container , goto /app/vidly-api
  • run “npm ci”
  • node seed.js
  • node index.js