Ternary Search Algorithm Implementation (BUG FOUND)

public class TernarySearch {
    public int ternarySearch(int[] array, int target){

        return ternarySearch(array,target,0,array.length-1);

    private int ternarySearch(int[] array, int target, int left, int right){
        if(left > right)
            return -1;
        int partitionSize = (right - left) / 3;
        int mid1 = left + partitionSize;
        int mid2 = right - partitionSize;

        if(array[mid1] == target) {
            return mid1;
        if(array[mid2] == target) {
            return mid2;
        if(target < array[mid1]) {
            return ternarySearch(array, target, left, mid1 - 1);
        else if(target > array[mid2]) {
            return ternarySearch(array, target, mid2 + 1, right);

        return ternarySearch(array,target,mid1+1,mid2-1);

```*If we pass unsorted array  it fails to find the index*
For example : Give the array   '   int[] array = {2,8,7,9,15,19}; ' and target = 7 ;
it will return -1;

Mosh mentions this: binary and ternary search both require a sorted array in order to be used. It is a prerequisite/ assumption we make before trying to use that algorithm. A better implementation might verify the assumption or sort the data itself in the constructor or something like that.