Question regarding what should be memorised in Python

Hi guys! this thought is a bit random. Mosh keeps saying we do not need to memorise some aspects of the Python course. Maybe someone who is more advanced in the course can help me understand whether there are aspects of the Python that need to be memorised?

What I’ve learned from YT before participating in Mosh’s Python course is fundamentals like:

  1. Variables
  2. Operators
  3. Control flow
  4. Functions
  5. Data types
  6. Loops

Thanks so much… makes sense. surprised classes is not included

Do not worry about memorizing too much. Even seasoned programmers do not have everything memorized. Looking up and researching is something done by everyone.

Practice the examples in the videos, and also off line and you will start become proficient, and as time goes on, you will store more and more.

I designed my own cheat sheet on text format that I keep open in my editor to be handy while coding and this allows me to add new things ass I go along.