I am just getting started.
I am attempting to copy Mosh, following what he does in Visual Studio. But I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Also, how does he get that cat emoji to work
I am just getting started.
I am attempting to copy Mosh, following what he does in Visual Studio. But I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Also, how does he get that cat emoji to work
He opens the emoji window and copies the emoji and pastes it in his code. Try looking for that in your OS. In Ubuntu it is Window + . (window key then the period). It brings up the emoji window. Not sure your OS. See thins link as well:
Also, looks like you are running in Power Shell. Try CMD. I am no windows expert, but I seem to remember things run a little differently in PS. If it works in the command line, chances are something is not set right in PS.
See this:
Looking at your output, if you are in the directory of your script, try
python .\app.py
Again, just throwing things out (which I found while searching your issue. That may be a first logical start when you are having issues)
The error being thrown looks like a PS error message. If this is your intended dev environment, learn how to interpret these messages. Unless you are very proficient in PS, I would recommend just straight CMD. More straightforward.
I saw your like. Thank you for that.
Please be sure to share with the forum what you did, in anything, to work through this. You could be helping others in a similar situation.