Pushing to github

lesson 43 of part3 HTML and CSS course
I want to push to gihhub but the size of my project is large.
Screenshot 2022-02-22 071244
what can I do?
in this part I think Mr.hamedani didn’t have .git folder and …

The .git folder is your git repository. It’s normal for it to be large and this is what will be pushed to GitHub. Are you seeing an error when you try to push to GitHub?

yes , when i want to push , I got an error

What is the error you are seeing?

try not to push the node)modules folder to git repo as it contains very large files.
just exclude below folders using .gitignore file like below




Only exists if Bazel was run




Please let me know if still it is not working

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What are the standard.psd and mobile.psd Photoshop files used for? Are they part of your project? Maybe you can exclude them from your git repository by adding the psd folder to your .gitignore.

these are the mock-ups of the website, I think I committed them in git repository.
how can I remove this folder?

This might get complicated. Even after you have deleted the files or have added them to your .gitignore, they are still part of your git commit history. This article has some ideas on how to solve it. Or, if you don’t actually care about your git history, potentially you could wipe out your .git folder and start fresh with a new git init (just make sure that the psd files are either not in the directory or have been added to your .gitignore with a line like **/psd).

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I’m leaving it for now so that I might go to it later if I see the Git course or learned Git.
I’m going to learn javascript now.
Thank you, and Thank you for your response and time

I’m leaving it for now so that I might go to it later if I see the Git course or learned Git.
Thank you, Thank you for your response