Project development

Good day community!
I was given a project to work on the Design and Implementation of stability and optimization algorithm for solar energy using python. I’m not that old in the community, please how do I go about this project :pray:

Requirements gathering is the key. Find out what they want, why they want it, and how they want it to look. Keep asking questions until you know precisely what to deliver.

In the design phase, you’ll break it down into doable parts. Get as much of a detailed plan of features and priorities as you can. A huge part of this is figuring out what data you need to collect, the formulas to apply to that data, and the output for the user. Break down those features into smaller parts and deploy them a bit at a time. As you deliver these incremental features, you will get feedback to keep you on track.

The real key is communications. Know who the users are, where the data is coming from, and make sure they are involved every step of the way.

This is basically the Agile model of project management. Lots of communications, frequent releases, and continuous feedback.

In short – talk talk talk – until you get it really straight what they need and what you need to do to create it.


Thank you sir for this breakdown, I’m grateful