Problem with parcel build index.html

Try running the command from the Terminal app rather than from VS Code.
Btw, does happens when you run it without sudo?

I actually running from the terminal in MAC or is their any other terminal App outside the normal View - Terminal as directed by Mosh?

As you can see from the photo that I sent, when I use the Sudo, i get the respond that you can see in the photos.

My code works perfectly when I use node-modules/.bin/ parcel index.html and out puts the design result well

  • but It doesn’t allow me to go on with the next process(stop/exit) and by opening up the next terminal, that I need to allow "parcel build " or "parcel push " when I click keys, Control + C.

Hope you understand what I mean?


I am actually running from the terminal in MAC or is their any other terminal App outside the normal View - Terminal as directed by Mosh?

Please, as you can see from the photo that I sent, when I use the Sudo, i get the respond that you can see in the photos.

My code works perfectly when I use node-modules/.bin/ parcel index.html and out puts the design result well

  • but It doesn’t allow me to go on with the next process(stop/exit) and by opening up the next terminal, that I need to allow "parcel build " or "parcel push " when I click keys, Control + C.

Hope you understand what I mean?


Yes, every Mac comes with a pre-installed Terminal app called “Terminal”. You can press Cmd + Space to bring up the spotlight and then type “Terminal” and hit enter.

Try running the npm command to install the package as global BUT WITHOUT sudo.
If it shows an error, run it with sudo. Hopefully, it will not show any error. If it does, please copy and paste the command that you entered and the error message.

Error messages are easier to copy and search than screenshots. :slight_smile:


Actually, I am communicating with my phone. my phone is quite different from my MAC. The screen shot I gave you is from the VS terminal and not the inbuilt MAC terminal. I was trying to explain that I don’t have any other terminal App but the VS terminal app and the inbuilt MAC App.

I have tried using the Sudo on VS terminal but it’s reporting: 2

appurunoMacBook-puro:brandnew apple$ npm i -g parcel-bundler
npm ERR! code EACCES
npm ERR! syscall mkdir
npm ERR! path /usr/local/lib/node_modules/parcel-bundler
npm ERR! errno -13
npm ERR! Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules/parcel-bundler’
npm ERR! [Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules/parcel-bundler’] {
npm ERR! errno: -13,
npm ERR! code: ‘EACCES’,
npm ERR! syscall: ‘mkdir’,
npm ERR! path: ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules/parcel-bundler’
npm ERR! }
npm ERR!
npm ERR! The operation was rejected by your operating system.
npm ERR! It is likely you do not have the permissions to access this file as the current user
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you believe this might be a permissions issue, please double-check the
npm ERR! permissions of the file and its containing directories, or try running
npm ERR! the command again as root/Administrator.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /Users/apple/.npm/_logs/2023-09-28T11_51_24_653Z-debug-0.log
appurunoMacBook-puro:brandnew apple$

2, When I used Sudo, I got the below response:

appurunoMacBook-puro:brandnew apple$ sudo npm i -g parcel-bundler
sudo: a terminal is required to read the password; either use the -S option to read from standard input or configure an askpass helper
appurunoMacBook-puro:brandnew apple$

Do you think I need to do what now to solve this?

Thanks so much!

Hello Suffian,

Thank you so much for your time and kind efforts to help me.

I think i have just solved the problems partly by changing my terminal shell to zsh but now i can’t automatically get a new terminal or exit my previous terminal to a new terminal, to build a new change after running the parcel index.html.

I made efforts to get a new terminal automatically after pressing CNTRL+C as demonstrated by Mosh but this doesn’t work. Do you please have any ideas?

Thank you!

I don’t think changing from shell and zsh would make any difference. Do you mean you have successfully installed the parcel-bundler as a global package?

I do not think a mac comes without a Terminal app. Try following this support page of apple: Open or quit Terminal on Mac - Apple Support

In my experience, Terminals of IDE sometimes give issues which the standalone Terminal app doesn’t. I have never seen the error message you shared (when using sudo), so it might mean that you need to use the Terminal app.

Hello Suffian,

I was able to install the parcel bundle Nd it worked when I changed to bash: zsh. I successfully installed the bundle using the sudo. I think it has to do with my MAC version. I am using a MAC Pro.

Thank you for the link you sent. The link you send to me is a general Mac instructions but I want to make more effort to know if I can get a new terminal when I use my Control+C. or maybe if their are other means I could automatically get a new terminal after termination of previous terminal job.
I will like to use the parcel build and parcel push on the new terminals.

I actually sent you the codes and results in earlier email before the last one. Please you can check.

Thank you and have a nice weekend.


After using the code i still get the Error. Any idea?

Thank you forward!

You can open a new terminal tab in your VS Code and run your other commands. Just to be sure you’re in the same directory in both terminals, you can run this command to check if they return the same paths (in each terminal tabs):


Btw, instead of installing the package as global, you can also run it using npx like this:

npx parcel-bundler index.html

# or a specific version like this:
npx parcel-bundler@1.12.5 index.html

Hi friend, I am having a problem with running parcel index.html

I would love if you or anyone can help me please… i tried both ways it never works

Hello everyone , I would be grateful if someone could please help ou. I have similar issue but it is when I run parcel index.html or node.modules/.bin/parcel index.html I am stuck there and it gives me frustration:

What happens when you run this line in the terminal?

npx parcel-bundler index.html

the same error message

Can you share the contents of your index.html file?
Also, please share a screenshot of the images folder.

For sharing the contents of index.html file, please copy the text and paste it inside a code block.

You can put your code between two lines with three tildes (i.e. ```) like this:
your code goes here (and this is a code block)

Text can be easily search and tested as compared to a picture of code.

here is the images

here is the html content

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The issue is in this line:

<source type="image/webp" srcset="images,ipad.webp 1x, images/ipad@2x.webp 2x">

Replace images,ipad.webp with images/ipad.webp.

yes, thank you so much, but after it gives that following error