ask_password = input("Enter the Master Password: ")
if ask_password == ‘6055**##@9’:
print(“You Have Access To The Dark Web. <:>”)
print(“Access Denied.!!!”)
login_details = input(“”
" Login Details"
" Name: "
" Subject: "
" Power: “)
if login_details.lower() == (” Adil Science Invisibility" ):
print(“Ok,Thanks login details Saved!!!”)
print(“Enter Valid Name, Subject, Power!!!”)
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The code seems to validate someone for the dark web and then asks them some other dungeon and dragons looking info. That was about the best I could do to explain what it does.
ask_password = input("Enter the Master Password: ")
if ask_password == "6055**##@9":
print("You Have Access To The Dark Web. <:>")
print("Access Denied.!!!")
print("Login Details")
name = input("Name: ")
subject = input("Subject: ")
power = input("Power: ")
login_details = f'{name} {subject} {power}'
if login_details.lower() == ("adil science invisibility" ):
print("Ok,Thanks login details Saved!!!")
print("Enter Valid Name, Subject, Power!!!")
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