ask_password = input("Enter the Master Password: ")
if ask_password == ‘6055**##@9’:
print(“You Have Access To The Dark Web. <:>”)
print(“Access Denied.!!!”)
login_details = input(“”
" Login Details"
" Name: "
" Subject: "
" Power: “)
if login_details.lower() == (” Adil Science Invisibility" ):
print(“Ok,Thanks login details Saved!!!”)
print(“Enter Valid Name, Subject, Power!!!”)
The code seems to validate someone for the dark web and then asks them some other dungeon and dragons looking info. That was about the best I could do to explain what it does.
ask_password = input("Enter the Master Password: ")
if ask_password == "6055**##@9":
print("You Have Access To The Dark Web. <:>")
print("Access Denied.!!!")
print("Login Details")
name = input("Name: ")
subject = input("Subject: ")
power = input("Power: ")
login_details = f'{name} {subject} {power}'
if login_details.lower() == ("adil science invisibility" ):
print("Ok,Thanks login details Saved!!!")
print("Enter Valid Name, Subject, Power!!!")