Stuck on a problem

I’m taking the course and trying to write a code and I’m stuck on it. Here is what the results are suppose to be:

Check if x and b are both True. If they are, print “Both of these are true.”

Check if y or a is False. If one is, print “One of these is false.”

Check if either x or y is False. If one is, print out “One is false.”

Then, only if either x or y is False, check if x is greater than y. If it is, print out “x is greater than y.”

This is the code I wrote and have been working on but can’t figure it out.

x = 8
y = 0
a = “Hello!”
b = “”

if x and b == True:
print(“Both of these are true”)

elif y or a == False:
print(“One of these is false”)

elif x or y == False:
print (“one is false”)

elif x > y :
print (“x is greater than y”)

Thanks for any help.

Try using statements like:

if x == True and b == True:
print(“Both of these are true”)

elif y == False or a == False:
print(“One of these is false”)

elif x == False or y == False:
print (“one is false”)

elif x > y :
print (“x is greater than y”)