Part 3, Automated Testing-13, Excercise for Products

Hey everyone,

at the end of the Automated Testing section, Mosh gives an Exercise to implement some tests for Products.
However, i dont find a solution nowhere for that.
The problem is that, for creating a product, i dont want write all the code and details to create a product. thats why i used the model_bakery. still, the


This is what i started to implement:

import pytest
from model_bakery import baker
from rest_framework import status
from store.models import Product

def create_product(api_client):
    product = baker.make(Product)
    product.description = ''
    return'/store/products/', product.__dict__)

class TestCreateProduct:

    def test_if_user_is_anonymous_returns_401(self, create_product):
        assert create_product.status_code == status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED

    def test_if_data_is_valid_returns_201(self, authenticate, create_product):
        assert create_product.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
        assert['id'] > 0      

this here is the error i get on the console:

============================================================================== FAILURES ==============================================================================
________________________________________________________ TestCreateProduct.test_if_data_is_valid_returns_201 _________________________________________________________

self = <test_products.TestCreateProduct object at 0x7f509bf76b30>, authenticate = <function authenticate.<locals>.do_authenticate at 0x7f509b87f9a0>
create_product = <Response status_code=401, "application/json">

    def test_if_data_is_valid_returns_201(self, authenticate, create_product):
>       assert create_product.status_code == status.HTTP_201_CREATED
E       assert 401 == 201
E        +  where 401 = <Response status_code=401, "application/json">.status_code
E        +  and   201 = status.HTTP_201_CREATED

store/tests/ AssertionError

did anybody find a nice solution for that?