Installing Nodejs

I just downloaded and installed Nodejs, but cannot find it in my applications. I noticed something about a path, but I’m not sure where I should type that path in.

What operating system are you using. How did you install nodejs?

I’m using MacOs Monterey. I went to and downloaded node, and then I double click on the package to installed it.

Have you opened a terminal and typed node?

No, not really. What do you mean by Terminal. I have installed Visual Studio. Is Visual Studio a Terminal?

Generically, a terminal is a command line interface for executing programs (like node, python, shell scripts, etc).

Here’s how to open the Terminal application on Mac: Open or quit Terminal on Mac - Apple Support

You can also open a terminal inside VSCode, but VSCode itself is not a terminal.

Hey, thanks a lot. I was under the impression that there was an icon you could click on to open Node, the way you opened Visual Studio Code. Thanks again!