I just put /* My Bad Ass Function */ above my code :)

I’m going through the JavaScript course, and have gone through many JavaScript courses over the past year - but today, with :pray:t3: to Mosh for being an excellent and challenging teacher, I put the comment /* My Bad Ass Function */ on top of a function I wrote for an exercise. This is the first time that, not only did I create a working solution, but I created … dare I say it? … an


solution!? It’s great being able to figure out a solution of some sorts - but people, I was PROUD of this one! This fracking reduce method has been driving me nuts for 6 months - Mosh was able to finally make it click for me. Having fun again!


I don’t get what this is trying to ask.

I wasn’t asking a question, that’s why I posted it here:

Topics that don’t need a category, or don’t fit into any
other existing category.

I wanted to provide some feedback to @Mosh about how much fun I’m having learning, and that the tutorials are excellent. Admittedly, I was a bit :fuelpump:'ed


Oh ok, great to hear :grin:

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