I am a beginner in Python

I am eager to know Python very well. Is there anyone I can partner with in this Programmer forum? I really need you guys help.


Hey Juice,

If you are still looking for someone let me know.


Yes brother, I am still looking for someone


Great! This is my first time collaborating with someone. How do we go about it?

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Are you on the WhatsApp

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Same here guys. Iā€™m from Costa Rica and my WS is +506 70428816.

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Ok I will add you to the group

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Hey Juice. I can help.

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@Juice can you add me too?

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i would love to! my whatsapp is +1 9084199213

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Hey guys, can you add me too please: +4915203582105

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Hi guys I am also new to Python and I would love to be part of the WhatsApp group. May you add me. My number is +263774895397. Alternatively Juice you can add the group link here so that other new members who will be coming will just join through the link and it will save you time.

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Hi guys,

Iā€™m also new to the course. Could somebody please add me to the Whatsapp group +27 65 985 1126


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Hi guys, am from Ghana, West Africa!
I just enrolled and would like to join the whatsApp group to also learn and assist in the python lessons. Kindly app me up. My number is +233248760857.


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Yes I can add you, drop your WhatsApp number

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Okay thank you bro, we are looking for you in our group, can you drop your WhatsApp number?

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Add me too: +1 334 524 1846
My name is Alistair Fernandes

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I am new to python and I am facing lots of problems, here is my whatsapp no please add me in the beginner group so that I can share my problems and solutions. +91 7602527526

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This number is not correct

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Oohh sorry +91 7602527516

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