Html not displaying on page

I am a new coder and i dont know what to do about this issue.

i’ve been following along with the lessons, but my browser wont recognize my code and just displays a blank page. the code itself is almost perfect, but i cant get it to display. can anyone help please?

ive pasted it below:

!DOCTYPE html>

html lang=“en”>
link rel=“Practics” href=“css/Practics.css” />
meta charset=“utf-8” />

div class=“boots”>

This is my styling code as well:

body {
margin: 10px;

.boots {

width: 50vw;
height: 100vh;
background-color: lavender;
border-top: 1px solid pink;


(I removed brackets from html so that it stays visible)

It’s really hard to tell based on the formatting of your post. Can you edit your post and use the "preformatted text"Captureoption to insert your code?

Did you get it figured out?

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Please check, if you have closed the div tag.

Having similar problems. I have been coding for about a month and now chrome doesn’t diplay my css code. I have run them through css validators and they are no errors. What can I do?

I’m not clear on what you mean. Are you able to provide an example?

Can you please write your html/css code over here, so that we can understand what problem is occurring

hey all! OP here. i realized that for the style sheet to work the rel always has to be ‘stylesheet’. once i fixed that i was good to go.