yes, it works after I change the version to 1.12.5. Make sure you update the GitHub and everything else. Build commend in netlify should still be parcel build index.html --no-minify . Check lesson 42 around 4:30 for refresher. Just put 1.12.5 not 1.124.
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Thanks you. I updated latest version of parcel bundler and it works with parcel build index.html --no-minify
For those who get lost on how to update, go to terminal and run these commands. I ran one command at a time but I think we can run both cause it follows order.
npm i -g parcel-bundler
npm update
I think the npm command above helps update package-lock.json file to have info about the latest parcel version
Then, delete your dist file (not sure if necessary). Run:
parcel build index.html
This will create a new dist file. Then run:
git push
And make changes to build command in netlify.