Despite installing tastypie, while doing an import, it keeps raising unresolved import. It would be generous of someone who could help, Thanks!
I am just having the same problem. What is the solution? All I did different was that I installed tastypie after I had created the api app. I see tastypie is registered in the pipfile and pipfile.lock so I can’t see how it can be just that.
Restarted VS Code. That seemed to fix it.
The way I solved it. write on terminal pip install django-tastypie.
if it was already installed it will give you message requirements already satisfied and will also give you a link where tastypie is . ctrl+click on the link. Now this is gonna be the main part here . Drag only tastypie. Not django-tastpie 0.14. Ok. then drag tastypie into your project and place it where you created app for api. Lets say you name it api. Place it there. not anywhere else on the workplace. I guarantee that this will work.
Good day. Thank you very much for your explanation, I appreciate that bro! Thank you again!